Lenzie Union Parish Church

A Church of Scotland Congregation

Worship for Everyone

Worship is for everyone.

People who are newly curious about God worship side by side with people who have been Christians for decades. You don’t have to be a Church member to join in, and it’s for all ages.

Worship basically means ‘worth-ship’. It’s about seeing what God is worth and giving him what he’s worth. Worship often involves singing and praying on Sundays, but it flows into loving and serving God through our actions and words every day.

Worship is natural – it can sometimes feel like ‘coming home’. St Augustine (354-430 AD) put it in a nutshell: ‘Great are you, O Lord, and greatly to be praised…You move us to delight in praising you; for you have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.’

Jesus took time to worship, and weekly worship on Sundays at 11am is at the heart of Lenzie Union. The service is live streamed on …..link… so that anyone anywhere can join in or watch later. The minister and welcome team are at the church door to meet people before the service starts. The service lasts just over an hour and there’s time to chat over tea and coffee afterwards. You don’t have to dress up. Young people and children are a key part of the church family. There’s always something for them in the early part of the service – and afterwards they can join in age appropriate activities in the New Hall or stay for the whole service if they want.

Worship is about meeting with God. Since Lenzie Union got started in 1873 people have prayed ‘we want to see Jesus’. At each service there’s always a Bible reading so we can hear God’s Word. There are prayers which praise God, and prayers for the world, for the people on our minds, and for ourselves. The music is a mix of traditional and more contemporary and the all age talk and sermon try explore what it means to trust and follow Jesus today.

Worship is for every day. Jesus took time to be still in worship to equip him for the demands of the day. The Lectio 365 app is just one way to pray each day - a ten minute time of prayer, Bible reading and quiet each mornings and evenings…