Lenzie Union Parish Church

A Church of Scotland Congregation

Bible Study

Would you, like many of us, like to know and understand the Bible better?

Would you like to grow in your walk with Jesus?
Here is an opportunity to join a group of like-minded men and women.
Meeting as a small, relaxed and friendly house group, we can freely talk and ask questions over tea.

The Thursday Evening Group is due to begin a new 13 part Lifebuilder study on 17th October. This will be based on Hebrews and is entitled “Race to Glory”.
Hebrews Ch 12 v 1- "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
Want to join in that race?
If you miss the start, feel free to come along any time.
We will meet at 7.30pm
Transport can be arranged.
For further details contact Isabel here. She will be delighted to hear from you.

A new intergenerational housegroup is planned

This term we will be starting an intergenerational housegroup. The aim is to intentionally bring together different generations to have the opportunity for meaningful interactions and build relationships between them. We will be using Messy Church Discipleship materials to begin with. 

Watch  this space!