Lenzie Union Parish Church

A Church of Scotland Congregation

The Lenzie Nativity Trail

    {calendar} {calendar:recurrences date_range_start="today" date_range_end="3 months" limit="10" }
  • {calendar:recurrence_start_date format="%F %j, %Y at %g:%i %a"} to {calendar:recurrence_end_date format="%F %j, %Y at %g:%i %a"}
  • {/calendar:recurrences}

Our knitted animals have been on a journey again and have finally arrived in the shop windows in Lenzie! Join our nativity trail and find the sheep, donkeys and camels. Look on the tags round their necks and see their names, then jot them down on your trail leaflet. Try not to miss any!

Leafletswill be available through the schools or DOWNLOAD HERE