Lenzie Union Parish Church

A Church of Scotland Congregation

Who We Are

Bridge Club

Come along and join us in the Old Hall

Sunday Service, 29th September 2024

Compromise and No Compromise On Sunday past (29nd September) the service was led by Rev Donald MacLeod. Reading was from Mark 9 : 38-50

Worship for Everyone

Worship is for everyone. People who are newly curious about God worship side by side with people who have been Christians for decades. You don’t have to be a Church member to join in, and it’s for all ages. Worship basically means…


A Minister is always available to take funerals and to help wherever he can in a time of bereavement. You don’t have to be a church member. Funeral services are always personal and unique for each person.


Lenzie Union with its beautiful ambiance has been the setting for lots of weddings over the years. To find out more just contact the session clerk or interim moderator. Wedding services in the church and other locations are a time to thank God for…


Baptism is a celebration when children or adults are welcomed into the church family. It usually takes place at the 11am Sunday service. You don’t have to be a church member and a Minister is always delighted to chat about baptism or answer any…

KMVC coming to Lenzie — Sure to be a great success!

Come and enjoy a special evening with this well-known and loved local choir. Not to be missed! Tickets available at  A. King, Optician, Lenzie or email robertbarron552@gmail.com

Flower Group

Each Sunday throughout the seasons the flower group takes delight in creating floral arrangements, sometimes intricate, sometimes simple, but always beautiful, and always adding to the peaceful ambience of the church as we worship together. And at…

Youth Cafe

By being an adult presence at Youth Café on a rota basis? Please contact Kim for further information.07482678955youthworker@lupc.org

Our Coffee Mornings

Perhaps join a rota? At Meeting Place on a Wednesday morning Contact Iris 0141 776 5170 At Coffee Pot on a Friday morning   Contact Fiona 0774 846 0325

Driving Others to Church

A few people need help to get to church. Would you be willing join a rota and to help occasionally?Contact Hugh       hugh.wright7@ntlworld.com

Sunday Worship

Every Sunday we gather for worship at 11.00am. You are very welcome to join us.

Church Gardens

Enjoy pottering about in the garden? Join the Gardening Group and help keep our grounds looking attractive. Contact Sheila 07815851777

Church Flowers

Do you enjoy arranging flowers? … or simply want to donate a bunch ?Get in touch via the church office

Boys Brigade

Did you enjoy going to Boys Brigade in your youth?   Would you consider helping out at Boys Brigade, either occasionally or regularly? If so, contact Hugh Wright to find out more. hugh.wright7@ntlworld.com 

AV in Church

There is a space at this desk for you!   Why not give it a go? We’d be delighted to welcome, guide and support you.  Contact Margaret 07792168826 

Week 23 Sep

Once the crowd realized that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there, they got into the boats and went to Capernaum in search of Jesus. When they found him on the other side of the lake, they asked him, “Rabbi, when did you get here?” Jesus…


Ensuring a Safe Church for All  The church has a deep concern for the safety and wellbeing of everyone.  Working together with the Safeguarding Service we seek to safeguard the welfare of anyone who encounters the services and activities in…

Governance and Policies

Whistleblowing Policy The Kirk Session agreed their latest revision of the Whistleblowing Policy in August 2022. You can download this latest version here. Code of Conduct for Members, Visitors and Users of the Premises  The Code of Conduct for…

Prayer Chain

If you feel the need of prayer support for any situation the prayer chain of dedicated members are always ready to pray. Your message will be sent through the chain, sympathetically and with full confidentiality.You can leave a message…


Meet some of the people who keep our church running!  Feel free to contact them for further information

Shona and Malcom Mackay

We are pleased to receive requests for non-personal prayer to be included in the Prayer Diary which is produced every 3 months. “Lenzie Prays”… Together with Lenzie Old Church we seek opportunities for prayer for the community and beyond.…


In need of prayer? Please call on the number below. Or send a message with the heading “Prayer Chain”  If you feel the need of prayer support for any situation the prayer chain of 15 dedicated members are always ready to pray. Your message…

Rev. Donald MacLeod

Hi, do you have any concerns? or need a listening ear …or a prayer?  I’m at the other end of a phone.    

Kleber Machado

During this time of vacancy please feel free to contact me.

Silver Movers

On the first and third Mondays of the month dance an hour away with Sherrie!

Silver Movers

On the first and third Mondays of the month dance an hour away with Sherrie!


Hi, I’m the first voice you’ll hear on the phone, but if I’m not in please leave a message. And if you’re not sure who you need to speak to please give me a call.   Office hours:  9.00 to 12.30 on Wednesdays, Thursdays &…

Looking for Pastoral Care Team Volunteers

The session has agreed to the formation of a Pastoral Care Team to augment the role of the Elder and our Pastoral Assistant, Donald Macleod. The Holy Spirit has given us all different gifts and talents to use to his glory but everyone who belongs to…

Bible Study

The Thursday Evening Group is due to begin a new 13 part Lifebuilder study on 17th October. This will be based on Hebrews and is entitled “Race to Glory”. Hebrews Ch 12 v 1- "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."

A bible, a baked potato and a blether!

What a wonderful time of fellowship, fun and food we had on Sunday 25 August. Our pastoral assistant Donald Macleod led worship preaching on Psalm 23 , The Lord is my Shepherd. After the service, the Mission and Discipleship team made lunch for…


Rendezvous is an after church social meeting place. You'll be served a hot cup of tea or a coffee and have the chance to chat with friends or. friends you haven't met yet. Rendezvous is in the New Hall and it also where the children who attend…

Sunday Morning Community Breakfast

Join us at the Sunday Morning Community Breakfast before the church service once a month (check our website for details of the next one)Enjoy good food and good company. Open to all.

The Coffee Pot

Good coffee, tasty home baking, friendly chat Have you heard about the famous Coffee Pot cheese scones? The equally famous fruit scones? Or the cream sponge or tray bakes? Why not come and try them for yourself at Coffee Pot. Coffee Pot takes place…

The Meeting Place

It's WEDNESDAY – halfway to the weekend! The best way to celebrate the middle of the week is by visiting The Meeting Place Coffee Shop where you are guaranteed a warm welcome, cheerful service and delicious home baking. A fully accessible space for…


Want to explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment? We're delighted to invite you to our Alpha classes, on Wednesday afternoons starting 1:30 pm until around 3:00pm from the beginning of October, in the Lenzie Union…

Cluster studies

Opportunities to share, learn together and grow in faith. Watch out for the next one, a new study  is planned for Spring 2025.

Lenzie Prays

Prayer for our community and beyond Two local churches Lenzie Union and Lenzie Old unite in prayer. Come and pray together. "Lenzie Prays" .... Together with Lenzie Old Church we seek opportunities for prayer for the community and beyond. Feel free…

Daily Devotional

Download this app (Lectio 365) on your phone.Lectio 365 is a free daily devotional resource that helps you pray and read the Bible every day. Tune into God’s presence and peace by slowing down, meditating on scripture, listening to God and praying…

The Guild

Looking for opportunities to meet old friends and make new ones too?Get together twice a month at the Guild from October ‘til March, mostly in the evenings, occasionally in the afternoons. Enjoy each other’s company, chat over a cuppa. Be…

ART for Seniors

Can’t draw or paint? Be surprised!Under the friendly expert guidance of our artist Bev McCluskey we are amazed with the results of our endeavours! She leads us step by step and somehow we all end up with a piece of art which we can’t wait to show…

De Café

Come along to a friendly De Cafe, on the second Monday of the month. Relax in a safe, welcoming space where those with dementia can enjoy cake and chat, whilst their carers have a chance to find out from Ceartas where they can find additional…

Silver Movers

Looking for a gentle way to keep your mind and body active? Come and join us twice a month for a wee boogie and a blether. You’ll find a sociable bunch at LUPC on the 1st and 3rd Monday’s of the month between 1.30 and 2.30 pm in the Old Hall…

Bible Class at Lighthouse

“A good way to start the week!” That’s how one teenager described Bible Class. An opportunity for Secondary School kids to get together, explore the Bible and learn about Jesus in a fun, relaxed way through videos, quizzes, puzzles, treasure…

Lighthouse (Sunday School)

Shining a light on youth fellowship Every Sunday we seize an opportunity to gather with our young people in Lighthouse (..or Sunday school in old money!) to share fellowship with them in the more relaxed space of the New Hall. Our current theme is…

1st Lenzie Company Boys’ Brigade

1st Lenzie Company Boys’ Brigade is a lively group of over 50 boys who enjoy loads of interesting activities. Come and join in the fun! Always happy to have new members! We meet on Friday evenings: Anchor Boys (P1-P3) – 6.15 to 7.15pm (Due to…

1st Lenzie Company Girls’ Brigade

“If it wasn’t for GB I wouldn't be me. I am unique, I have faith, GB really is the place to be!” Buzz along to Girls’ Brigade! Make new friends while having fun! Tuesday evenings during term time from 7 to 8.15 pm for all school-age girls.…

Youth Cafe

Are you a young person in S1- S6?  Looking for a free space to hang out with friends or meet new ones? Enjoy free food & drinks and lots of games ….table tops …. or pool … or table tennis  …. or get more active and try the…

Bible Study

Would you, like many of us, like to know and understand the Bible better? Would you like to grow in your walk with Jesus?Here is an opportunity to join a group of like-minded men and women.Meeting as a small, relaxed and friendly house group, we can…

Messy Church

It’s great fun for one hour, quite literally pretty messy, with sticky hands, tables, crafts and cakes. And it truly is for all ages. And church is different when you have all ages involved. It’s shorter, punchier, less traditional, more…

Messy? Church?

From 4-6pm in the Old Hall and – definitely – in the garden we're holding fun games and activities for the whole family. Please book a place, so if arrangements alter, we can contact you. Text us on: 07774 192659 or email: omalleydom@yahoo.co.uk

Lenzie loves Lego

From 10am until 12 noon we're holding a sponsored Lego Trail around the church buildings starting in the New Hall. If you're under 18, please bring an adult (!) Coffee, tea, juice and biscuits will be provided.

Holiday Club

"Running the Race" – Joint churches holiday club on 8th august in St David’s Memorial Park Church, Alexandra Street, Kirkintilloch G66 1HE and on 9th August in Lenzie Union Parish Church, 65 Kirkintilloch Road, Lenzie G66 4LD Both days 10am to…

Summer Services

On Sunday worship on 28th July, and 4th August 11am at Lenzie Union Parish Church, 11am. The services from Lenzie Union Parish Church will be available online both live and later in the day Lenzie Union Facebook page.

The congregational Accounts and report for 2023

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Messy Church

It’s great fun for one hour, quite literally pretty messy, with sticky hands, tables, crafts and cakes. And it truly is for all ages. And church is different when you have all ages involved. It’s shorter, punchier, less traditional, more…

The Guild

Looking for opportunities to meet old friends and make new ones too? Get together twice a month at the Guild from October ‘til March, mostly in the evenings, occasionally in the afternoons. Enjoy each other’s company, chat over a cuppa. Be…

Coffee Pot

Good coffee, tasty home baking, friendly chat Have you heard about the famous Coffee Pot cheese scones?       The equally famous fruit scones? Or the cream sponge or tray bakes? Why not come and try them for yourself at Coffee Pot.…

Girls’ Brigade

Buzz along to Girls’ Brigade! Make new friends while having fun! Tuesday evenings during term time from 7 to 8.15 pm for all school-age girls. For more details and a registration form email Anne Halliday on: 1stlenziegb23@gmail.com At Girls’…

Art for seniors

Relax and have fun creating a piece of art. Step by step guidance is given by artist Bev McCluskey. Taking place in the New Hall from 1.30 – 3.00pm.   No experience is needed.  For more information, and to book your place,  contact…

Community Breakfast

You are invited to a Community Breakfast at 10am on Sunday 12th May in Lenzie Union New Hall. Tea, Coffee, Juice, Muffins, Pastries and Fruit. Donations towards breakfast are welcome.


We don’t have all the answers and have lots of questions. We’re among the 2.3 billion Christians in the world today trying to follow Jesus Christ. Jesus taught ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself’ and we believe in putting Jesus’…


Over 150 years of making Christ known In Lenzie In 2023 we celebrated 150 years as a church. Back in 1873 the first minister, Rev William Millar, prayed each week that “We want to see Jesus” and today our greatest hope is that we can have the…


First and foremost, as Christians, we value all people.Lenzie Union Church offers a warm welcome to everyone who chooses to visit, either to join a morning service, or to enjoy one of our many social activities or events. We aim to create safe spaces…